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Stowford School

Stowford School


Approach to the Curriculum

At Stowford School we teach an evidence-led curriculum that is built on the principles underpinned by cognitive science and neuroscientific research.  Our inclusive curriculum is designed to provide a broad and balanced education that meets the needs of all children. Based on the National Curriculum, it provides opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident and successful learners, with high aspirations, who know how to make a positive contribution to their local community and the wider society.

Specific skills are discretely taught through subjects and practised so that they become transferrable. The carefully planned sequenced lessons activate prior learning, build on skills and deepen knowledge and understanding. Learning, vocabulary and content is cumulative; content is learned, retrieved and built upon. Where relevant and meaningful, a cross curricular approach is employed by teachers to make links between subjects and practical real life experiences are incorporated to inspire and motivate our children.

At Stowford School we aim to:

  • Provide a rich, broad and balanced curriculum and meaningful learning experiences which give pupils a growing knowledge and awareness of the world in which they live, skills to succeed and a passion for life-long learning.
  • Promote the highest level of achievement for all individual pupils, across all subjects, regardless of age, gender, background or ability, in a fully inclusive manner.
  • Promote a ‘Growth Mindset’; this encourages all children to strive for success and supports essential learning skills such as motivation, hard work and resilience.
  • Teach and promote social, moral, spiritual and cultural awareness so that children are well-equipped to become active, respectful and responsible citizens.
  • Teach, promote and celebrate the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of everyone's faith and beliefs; to provide children with a knowledge and understanding of their social  heritage and the importance of diversity, thereby safeguarding them against the risks of extremism and radicalisation. This is embedded in the school values of Respect, Excellence, Friendship.                      
  •  Teach, promote and support healthy lifestyles and sustainable physical and emotional well-being through PE curriculum, involvement with ‘Change for Life’ and the EH4MH (Early Help for Mental Health).
  • Ensure that children grow up being able to respectfully disagree and to understand that there are many different opinions in the world. 
  • Respond to children’s interests and follow their leads. 
  • To see the exciting curriculum that children study please look at our 'Whole School Curriculum Map' and additional information in the attachments below as well as the 'Curriculum Statements' in this section.