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Stowford School

Stowford School


Every week:

Every week in each class teachers will be sending home: maths (number facts or times tables), reading (please read out loud and discuss) and spelling.  This homework is not optional and repeated incidences of non-completion will result in an invitation to lunchtime homework club where we can support children to complete their homework.

Half termly - optional creative task linked to a curriculum topic in a foundation subject:

In addition to the weekly homework, there will be a creative, more open task each half term related to the curriculum topic which the children would love to do with you if you have time.  This will be issued at the beginning of a new topic and will run the length of the topic (half-termly).  This homework is optional.  We very much hope that you and your child can work together on it but we understand that people have busy lives so if you want to stick to the basics we understand.  Please remember to hand it in before the topic finishes.

Weekly Expectations:

Below is a table outlining expectations for amount of homework set in any year group.

Year Group





5–10 minutes per day

Tricky words


Year 1

10 minutes per day

Please record in the homework diary when this is done

Tricky words

10 minutes per week

Year 2

10 minutes per day

Please record in the homework diary when this is done

Statutory words for the year group

Investigation of spelling patterns

10 minutes per week

Year 3

15 minutes per day

Please record in the homework diary when this is done

Statutory words for the year group

Investigation of spelling patterns

15 minutes per week

Year 4

15 minutes per day

Please record in the homework diary when this is done

Statutory words for the year group

Investigation of spelling patterns

15 minutes per week

Year 5

20 minutes per day

Please record in the homework diary when this is done

Statutory words for the year group

Investigation of spelling patterns

20 minutes per week

Year 6

20 minutes per day

Please record in the homework diary when this is done

Statutory words for the year group

Investigation of spelling patterns

20 minutes per week

On occasion, teachers may offer extra non-compulsory homework to help children who would like to do more at home.  If you have any queries about any of the above, then please speak to your child’s teacher. We are always happy to help. 

If children wish to complete their homework in school, need access to the internet, or need help, there are lunchtime homework clubs that are open to all. 

Please click here for Strategies for Learning Spelling

The strategies can be used to help with learning spelling in any year group. 

The specific spelling lists for each year group are below; please click on the year group you require.