Stowford School Uniform
Please read the School Uniform policy for complete information.
Our uniform list for items with the school logo is held at School Trends (see link below); items with the school logo are also available locally in Ivybridge. Non-logo items can be purchased from local shops and supermarkets. There is also a supply of second-hand uniform at the school (see below).
Pupils should wear school uniform at all times and the cooperation of parents in this matter is expected.
No nail varnish or make-up is permitted. Extreme hairstyles are not permitted. If hair is long enough to be tied back then it should be; hair accessories, such as ponytail bands, should be small and in black or blue only. Jewellery is not permitted, except for small stud earring for pierced ears (but these must be removed for P.E.)
School polo shirts, sweatshirts and cardigans are available to order online from
School Trends:
Sweatshirts and cardigans can also be purchased from Lawsons in Ivybridge.
Stowford School Uniform List
Uniform (required)
Navy sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without embroidered school logo)
Plain white (with or without embroidered logo) or navy polo shirt (with embroidered school logo)
Grey trousers or shorts (knee length)
Grey pinafore or skirt (knee length)
Blue and white checked dress (in the summer term only)
Plain white, grey or black socks (not over the knee) or plain grey or black tights
Plain black shoes (sensible, covered flat shoes )
Any coat (weatherproof, sensible and without any obvious branding)
Book Bag (with* or without school logo)
Clear water bottle (with* or without school logo) *available from School Office
P.E. Uniform (required)
White T-shirt (with or without embroidered school logo)
Black or navy shorts - plain
Navy sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without embroidered school logo)
Navy or black plain jogging bottoms for outdoor P.E.
Wellies for outdoors (in a named carrier bag)
All items should be clearly labelled with the child's full name.
School bags
Cloakrooms and storage areas in the school are limited and for this reason, pupils should not bring large bags to school.
Loss of personal belongings
The school expects all pupils to take responsibility for the care of their personal belongings/clothing and recommends that items of value are not brought to school. All items of clothing should be clearly labelled with the pupil’s name. Whilst every effort will be made to find lost items, the school cannot be responsible for their loss, and parents/carers are advised to consider taking out appropriate insurance.
Pre-loved Uniform
We have a selection of good quality, pre-loved uniform items available on the clothes rail in the main school foyer for a small donation to Stowford Friends. Please call into the school reception for further information. We welcome donations to keep the stock replenished!