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Stowford School

Stowford School


Welcome to the Robins         

The whole foundation team are so excited to see you all again after your Christmas holidays. 

This term our topic is called 'Once Upon a Rhyme'.

Spring 1

We will be learning all about fairytales and traditional stories; exploring characters, settings, story structure and retelling. We will also learn lots of nursery rhymes and even have a go at creating our own rhyming couplets.


In phonics, we will be starting phase 3; learning lots of new digraphs, introducing trigraphs and learning to read some more tricky words.

In maths, our focus on comparing different numbers: physically, pictorially and numerically. We will continue developing our subtraction and addition skills, forming number sentences and focusing on number formation. We will also look at descriptive mathematical language for the areas of capacity and measurement, e.g. longer, shorter, empty, full.

In further areas, the children will be exploring different habitats and the animals which live in each area. We will be looking at life cycles of frogs and toads and experimenting with different materials to understand their properties.

For guidance on pronunciation of the phonemes (sounds) please use this link:

Big Cat Phonics for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised - Grapheme  Chart for Reception: Phases 2 and 3 For Year Reception | Badger Learning

We look forward to sharing some photographs with you soon on our Robins Class Dojo page and welcome any questions that you have. We are always available at the gate after school and in the mornings and can be messaged via Class dojo messenger within normal working hours (please be aware that any admin messages will need to go via the office, e.g. home-time arrangements and appointments, because we will be unable to respond due to teaching the class).                                               

If you have any concerns or worries please do not hesitate to contact myself or Mrs Hill.

Best wishes,

Mr Roberts and Mrs Hill


Home Learning Resource Links - Foundation

For foundation curriculum support:

For interactive maths and English games: (lots are tablet-friendly)