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Stowford School

Stowford School


Welcome to Linnets Class!

Our teachers are Mrs Bridden and Mrs Roach, and we are supported brilliantly by Mrs Lannin every day.

Any of the teachers would be delighted to speak to you if you have any concerns, big or small. 

This term… 

Welcome to the first half of the autumn term.

In English, we will begin by learning about sentences. We will make sure that our sentences begin with capital letters, contain finger spaces between each word, and end with a full stop. We will be saying our sentences first to make sure they make sense before writing them.

We will then move onto writing setting descriptions. Using adjectives to make our sentences even better!

Our unit of maths is all about place value within 10. We will be learning how to sort objects, count forwards and backwards from any given number, and compare number using less than/greater than/equal to symbols.

In science, we will be learning about seasonal changes and weather. We will be looking at the four seasons in depth and looking at the weather during each season.

Our first history unit focuses on chronology within living memory of the community to develop a sense of change over time. We will be looking at how we have grown and changed in our lifetime, and how our local area has changed, particularly the shops and features.

In PSHE our unit of learning is ‘Being Me’. This includes learning how to keep myself safe, understanding my rights and responsibilities, and thinking about how we care for others people’s feelings.

In RE, we will be learning about the Creation Story and identifying things that we think God may be proud of in our world.

During PE lessons, we will be following the ‘Real PE’ programme. This term we will be making sure we can follow instructions, practise instructions safely, and work on simple tasks independently.

In DT we will be learning about mechanisms and how to make our own. We will plan, make and evaluate our mechanisms.

Don't forget to regularly check our Class Dojo page to see what we get up to in Linnets Class! 

Reading Free ebooks for children.

For maths support: (lots are tablet-friendly) (This is the maths scheme we use in class. There are activities you can download and videos to watch).