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Stowford School

Stowford School

Fledglings and Chicks

We explore and learn through play



A very warm welcome to Stowford Nursery.

The Nursery team consists of: Mrs Katherine Roberts (Nursery Manager), Mrs Yasmin Rogers, Mrs Michelle Wark, Mrs Emma Loughran and Mrs Shania Maclening.


During the autumn term, the children will be settling into nursery, learning new routines and will be supported in the development of self-care and independence. We will be concentrating on getting to know each other and looking at our homes and our families. We will observe any similarities and differences that we have, read stories that will reflect these and celebrate them.

We have weekly Wild Tribe sessions that will support the children to develop their understanding of the environment they live in, and we will be focusing on how things change during the different seasons throughout the year.

8 tips to develop children's curiosity - Mayo Clinic Health System

During our PE sessions, we will be focusing on learning about what our bodies can do and explore large and small movements that will develop our co-ordination, balance, posture and flexibility.Nyewood CE Infants School - PE

We will be starting our journey of phonics learning by introducing the ‘Foundations Little Wandle: Letters and Sounds Revised phonics programme’. This will help develop children’s phonological awareness, their love of stories and rhymes, increase their vocabulary and confidence to talk and improve their listening and ability to take part in back-and-forth conversations. More information is available here:

During this term we will also be introducing the children to various autumn festivals and religious celebrations to enhance their social and emotional development and adopt a sense of community and belonging.

Nursery Clip Art Images - Free Download on FreepikWe are always available at the door before and after nursery sessions and can be messaged via Class dojo messenger if there is anything you need help with.                                    

If you have any concerns or worries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes,

The Stowford Nursery Team