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Stowford School

Stowford School


Welcome to Curlews' Page

Spring Term 

Hello and welcome back. I hope that you had a great Christmas holiday and are looking forward to the start of the spring term!


English and Spelling will link to some of the themes seen in our reading lessons, and we aim to deliver a mix of clear and precise teaching opportunities whilst inspiring children to develop their love of writing. Writing tends to follow a 2 weekly cycle, where new genres are introduced and explored. Children will have the chance to look at model texts and practise writing aspects of the genre. Our reading book in this first half term is Varjak Paw by S.F. Said. 


We will continue to use "White Rose" as our learning scheme. During this spring term, we will be looking at multiplication and division. As mentioned previously, there is a statutory timestables test in June, so please keep working on the speed and recall of the times-tables facts. The expectation is that by the end of year 4, all children should be confident and fluent. Timestables Rockstars is the main school resource but we can also recommend as an additional resource, which are both excellent ways to help your child develop their fluency. 

The Curriculum

Through the History curriculum, we will be looking at The Roman Britain. Children will learn to develop their historical enquiry skills and explore the impact of certain moments in time on the rest of the world.

In our Geography lessons, we will be looking at Coastal Processes and Landforms. Children will use new and existing geographical skills in order to investigate the important of these two topics.

Through Science, children will be exploring Teeth and the Digestive System.

PHSE is taught through Jigsaw and is also an integral part of our working week; we have a dedicated weekly lesson where we explore the personal, social and emotional aspects of the lives of young people living in our modern world. The half term will focus on Dreams and Goals.

PE lessons will take place on a Wednesday afternoon and the children will need to come to school in PE kits. It is tag rugby this half term. Our other PE lesson will be on a Friday morning, which will be dance in the hall, for which the children will have to wear PE kit including shorts for safety on the apparatus.

We encourage clear and open communication with parents. So if you do have any questions, then please feel free to ask at the classroom door in the morning. Alternatively, you can contact us via Class Dojo messages.