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Stowford School

Stowford School

Stowford School cares about climate change

All children at Stowford School have been focusing upon Climate Change and what they can do to help.

To coincide with the global climate strike, the start of the day began with a special assembly which included a discussion of some of the issues surrounding Climate Change.  

After the assembly, children in Year 3 spent time in workshops where they calculated their carbon footprints and wrote postcards to themselves from an eco-friendly future.  Eco-Warrior Representatives from Year 5 and Year 6 were also on hand to help. 

Throughout the school each class followed up the assembly by writing a short pledge detailing an idea that they promise to do to reduce their carbon footprint.  All the ideas were written onto leaves to produce a very striking Stowford Pledge Tree display, currently to be seen in the school hall.  Some of the pledges include; “I pledge to eat less meat and I pledge to walk to school more often”.